“Dear Mom, My Journey Ends Here” – A Letter From A Puppy Who Was Never Adopted

 The letter has been a centuries-old form of communication where the most private emotions are expressed through lines that recount stories from the past or endless longing for things that never happened.

The intense loneliness experienced by many puppies that cross the rainbow without experiencing the true love of a family has been exposed through a letter.

letter written by a puppy who was never adopted.

A letter from a dog who was never adopted was uploaded on social media by the user Lupis Animalista, and it moved Internet users all over the world.

When comprehending how many homeless puppies there actually are, it is nearly impossible to read the first few words without shuddering.

"Hello Mama,"

This is when my trip comes to an end. Don't worry; I wasn't in pain when I passed away. I was depressed and terribly alone. But eventually I grew accustomed to being by myself. I was in this prison for so long that I came to despise its four walls. I believe it was unlucky. I've never questioned why life has caused me so much suffering. Perhaps it was fate.

The young woman holding the text wished to represent all the furry creatures that do not get the chance to be loved and who fail to win over potential adopters due to their race, appearance, age, or simply because they are not the pups they had imagined.

I don't want you to feel guilty, Mom.

I just want you to know that when you were looking for a furry friend, I was there. I regret that you picked up that cute, cuddly puppy at the pet store. I wish someone had pointed out the correct route for you to go till you reached where I was. I wish you had come to my kennel and picked me over that stunning purebred puppy from your friend's establishment. I wanted you to know that I would have done this and much more for you if you had thought about wanting a puppy sitting at your front door to greet you when you get home.

I may have been the dog you were searching for to sprawl out at your feet while reclining on the couch. I could have been your greatest choice if you had been looking for a dog to accompany you on your ascent of the tallest mountains. I would have wanted you to know that I might have been the perfect match for you.

Unfortunately, many puppies who are saved from the streets wind up spending months or even years in kennels.

They are far from racing about while playing with a toy or putting their paws on the bed to wake up their beloved person.

Although they are no longer living on the streets, many of them pass away without ever feeling familial love. The letter continues as follows:

"Dear mum, you're not to blame. I am aware that a mother was waiting for me there, and that mother had to be you. Just that we've never met. Maybe because there are so few people like you and so many people like me, we have never met. A mother ought to be aware of where to look, but even mothers occasionally make mistakes. I wish you hadn't made a mistake.

Please don't feel sorry, mama. Avoid crying.

I believe I dreamed of you last night while I was drifting off to sleep. You approached my prison, unlocked the door, and led me outside. Then we drove to your place, where I stayed in bed with my eyes open to take in everything there was to view. I am familiar with your personality, your scent, the tone of your voice, and the color of your hair. I'm alright if you haven't met me. I'm not unique in any way. Just a dog here,

a potential candidate for being your dog.

Hello, Mom I apologize for never telling you where I lived.

I assumed you were aware of it.

I died today content.

The sweetest sound I have ever heard was your voice calling to me as I struggled to awaken.

The most effective strategy to save his life is to adopt a puppy. Be the source of light and love that you so desperately need.
