He had to live in sickness, dirt and chains for 9 years, his ugly face made everyone shunned

This dog spent nine many years in mіѕeгу, filth, and chains, and everybody avoided him due to his hideous look.

My heart was broken by the first images of Socrates because for nine years he endured disease, filth, and chains.

He had scabies, was dehydrated, and his body was a bag of bones. On his body, there are numerous open wounds.

Even though I had other work to do, I had to stop letting this old man suffer any longer.

The following day, I visited Socrates.

That frail body was incapable of fighting off illnesses. He appears very scruffy.

His face was greatly bloated, and his eyes were profoundly indented.

Even though I tried it out at a loud volume, perhaps he was hard of hearing.

Fortunately, Socrates was still eating, which gave me hope that I might be able to restore him to health.

To take Socrates to the veterinarian, we were ready with everything.

It was a huge responsibility for me because I had never dealt with cases like Socrates.

I had a pleasant conclusion in mind for this person.

The unfortunate thing that happened was that I had no idea he had bone cancer based on the test results.

He would need to have his back limb removed because his ankle was severely malformed.

I hoped the cancer would be curable and not spread.

Socrates would first require a stay in the veterinarian's office for medical attention, to build up his weight and immune system.

I had been considering his upcoming lengthy days.

Socrates has gotten larger, acquired weight, and requires more grooming.

He had a great deal of fur growth and a positive outlook on the future.

I got to know Socrates and fed him twice a day, morning and night, at the hospital.

I didn't prepare it that way for a dog; instead, I made it especially tasty for him.

Socrates was led outside so that he may observe and experience nature. He enjoyed this, I was sure of it.

His battle with his illnesses resembled running in circles. For two days, Socrates experienced diarrhea and a fever.

When he was relocated to Los Angeles to receive quicker treatment for bone cancer, I feared that he would contract a new viral infection. He would always have a true family.

Doctors opted against amputating his back leg because of his advanced age.

Everyone wanted Socrates to live out the rest of his days risk-free.

Despite the difficulty, he enjoyed walking a lot.

Visit the Pitiful Animal channel on YouTube to watch heartwarming videos about the effort to save street dogs.

I fought just for the sake of justice, like many others did.

Please click the channel subscribe button and share the films if you enjoy them and feel sorry for these terrible animals. This will give us the drive to assist more people in need.

I appreciate you very much.
